W&W breakthrough innovation : Lightwave trapping using microholes to enable high speed and high sensitivity in thin Silicon photosensor arrays in the Red and NIR wavelength
Lightwave Trapping
Microhole compatible with CMOS Trench Isolation Etch
Enhance absorption in Thin Silicon 0.1 - 3 micron, 700 nm - 1000 nm wavelength
EQE 85% @850 nm, 1 micron Si - WR
Microholes on thin Ge on Si extend wavelength to 1700 nm
Low Jitter (<15ps), High data bandwidth >56Gb/s
Performance and Cost Reduction
Standard CMOS manufacturing process, unlike Black Silicon using pulsed laser process
Monolithic Integration of photosensor arrays with CMOS ASICs or...
Stacked Technology of photosensor array with CMOS ASICs for BICIS
Low manufacturing cost due to Thin Silicon, 3 microns or less
High performance low parasitics
Visible / NIR Imaging - single microhole for small pixels
3D Imaging / Time of Flight Imaging
AR / VR, Facial Recognition, LiDAR for ADAS, Security, Medical
1 Tb/s aggregated data bandwidth - Optical Interconnect for Data Center
56, 6G high capacity optical link
Core Application Sectors & Competitive Advantages

W&Wsens Devices Technology Impact

W&Wsens Devices Microhole to Enhance Red and NIR Sensitivity for Stacked BICIS - Imaging and 3D Imaging

Surface Illuminated Microstructure Hole Photodiodes
Si PIN Photodiode

Ge on Si PIN Photodiode

Scanning Electron Microscope Images

Optical Field Distribution in Microstructure Hole PD using FDTD Simulation

Microstructure Hole PD / APD Results
Si PIN 850nm Impulse
Ge on Si PIN 1300nm Impulse

Si Absorption layer thickness < 2um

Responsivity Si APD
Multiplication M=1026 @ 850nm, 8.5uW

About W&W
Over a cup of cappuccino at a cafe in Palo Alto, W&Wsens Devices was conceived and in a few months grew to over 100 years of aggregated knowledge and experience in photonic devices, optical systems , innovation, IP,manufacturing, and start-ups. All team members come from Fortune 500 companies and / or start ups.

SP Bob Wang - CEO & Co-Founder
Founder & Chairman of:
R2 (sold to Hologic),
U-Systems (sold to GE),
EndoSee (sold to Cooper)
QView, and UroViu.

Shih-Yuan Wang - CTO & Co-Founder
BS, PhD UC Berkeley
HP Labs 200+ Patents
High speed photodetectors
Co-Inventor of Multimode VCSELS
for Datacenter interconnect

Saif Islam - Professor UCD
High speed photonic devices

Aly F. Elrefaie - Chief Scientist
BS Ain Shams University
MS & PhD NYU Engineering
Bellcore, HP Labs, Boeing,
Optical communication systems

Toshishige Yamada - Principal Scentist
Physics for advanced materials and devices
BS, MS University of Tokyo
Ph.D Arizona State University
NEC Labs, Japan
Semiconductor transport theory

Ekaterina (Katya) Ponizovskaya Devine
Principal Scientist, Theory
MS & PhD Moscow Institue of Physics and Technology
HP Labs
Theory, numerical modeling

Lihan Wang -Vice President Strategy
& Business Development
BA University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
MSc University of Leeds
Agora Labs, UBS
Market Outlook

Intellectual Property
W&Wsens Devices Inc IP Portfolio
56 Issued Patents and Published Patent Applications + many pending
Enhancement of NIR in thin Silicon and thin Germanium on Silicon for CIS, LiDAR and Hyperscale DCI
Wafer level stacking technology for co-packaging optics Rx